Sunday, October 26, 2008


Well I finally got a whole weekend off and I enjoyed it even if things got a little hectic. I went to the zoo with the family on Saturday and had so much fun. We all walked around looking at the animals and trick or treating, the girls were pretty good for the most part. We all ate on the way home, we were all starving. Nick went with us and he was so helpful, it is amazing how much he has changed and how he is growing.
Sunday Chaz and I went to church and then hung out afterwards, he was such a good boy the whole time we were together, it was so cool to just hang out with him. Trunk or treating was this evening at my church and although it was fun the evening started out rough. My sister and the kids were rear ended by some punk kid that I am not even sure has insurance, and they were in my truck. UGH!! So now I have to go through all the hassle of getting insurance to fix my truck, not much damage at all but yet I want it fixed.
The girls were a little grumpy going into trunk or treating but after a while they were happy to get candy, they did not get much candy at all though :(
Well my hunnybear is calling so I must go to talk with him...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I am truly blessed

I have a wonderful man that puts up with my crap and still loves me through it all. I love Shawn Anthony Bullock to pieces. He is amazing, sweet, kind, loving, giving....... All those and more. I am truly blessed to have found such an amazing man to love me. Through thick and then he has loved me and shown me what forgiveness and true love really is. I have learned so much from him and through him.

I love that we can have fun playing at the park or watching cartoons and yet we can sit for hours at a resturant and study the bible. I love that we can go on road trips and always find ways to make it more fun than it is (cuz sitting in a car for 4 hours or more is boring). I love that we can make balloon animals together (okay I can make a sword without a handle and well he makes everything else). We just always seem to have fun and enjoy each other when we are together. I love love love the fact that we are comfortable enough to just hang out, I can study while he watched t.v.. Sounds silly I know.

I have never had a man treat me so well, he is so kind and loving and forgiving. Sure we have out downs everyone does, but we bounce back so well. He is so understanding about certain things, of course we have had to work to get there. LOL. I love my hunny. He is so awesome.

Friday, October 17, 2008

UGH!!! Druggies

I cannot understand the need to do drugs. It is a horrible thing to put your body through. Not only do you hurt yourself but you hurt everyone else also. You put your kids in danger, you waste taxpayers money by needing cops and firemen and an ambulance. WHY? WHY? WHY?

I am so sick of seeing people so high on whatever drug they are using that they have no idea what is going on. I am tired of picking up drunks because they say this time they need to get sober. Why do we have to waste time dealing with these stupid people. You know what... If you wanna get drunk and pee on yourself or get high and burn out your brain cells than do it at home, behind closed doors and leave the phone off.


Thursday, October 16, 2008


Well today I started my new shift with my new partner and it went okay. I really wish I could find someone to work with that really wants to get along with me and make it a true partnership. I guess I will just have to keep trying, keep playing mrs. nice guy. LOL

We ran a kid today that was brain dead and having seizures. The poor kid was less than a year old and brain dead, just layed there all the time. How sad is that to watch a baby that should be crawling and maybe trying to walk just lay there. A tube in her throat to make her breath and a tube in her tummy to make her eat, what a life. How hard it must be for the mommy to see everyday, what do you do? How do you deal? It makes me come home and give my babies a kiss, trying hard not to wake them of course. How lucky we are to have healthy, happy little girls running around this house. I am truly blessed.

I pray that people with young children could realize just how precious they are and make sure to spend time with them. These babies are our tomorrows and we need to give them the attention and time they deserve. Not to mention time is short. So many things can happen to young kids, their bodies run differently than ours, when they are sick their little bodies will compensate for a long time before crashing hard and fast. You just never know, so kiss your babies and love on them as much as you can today because that tomorrow we always think will be there might disappear one day.

I am truly blessed to have a wonderful sister and these 3 beautiful children. I am truly blessed to be able to watch my babies grow and learn and succeed. I am truly blessed to the family I have. I love my sissie with all my heart, she is so wonderful to me and I am truly amazed at the children she had for me to love on. I know I have to share them, but I really enjoy them.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Pull to the right for sirens and lights!!!!

Why do people in Kansas City not know what to do when they see lights and sirens coming? I just do not understand how I learned to pull to the right when I saw a police car, an ambulance or a fire truck. These days people just stop in the middle of the road or the highway, how do they expect the ambulance or fire truck to stop that quick. Some people even pull to the left leaving no room to get throough, I am amazed at how people stop thinking when they see or hear us. UGH!!! It is so frustrating to have to watch for the drivers that have no idea how to drive, I wish I could just do my job and run lights and sirens and not have to worry about someone slamming on the brakes in front of me or moving the wrong way. I wish it were easier !!!