Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Alisa Maier

What is going through her mind as she is in a place she does not know? How is she dealing with a stranger in control of her? What is her mother going through? Is she asking the man to take her home? What is he doing to her?

This 4 year old was taken from her front yard by a stranger. She has been missing for a little more than 24 hours now. Where could she be? Who has her? She was just playing outside with her older brother and some guy decided he wanted her.

This makes me wanna scream and cry at GOD. How does he sit there and let this happen? How can he let this guy keep this little girl and not bring her home to her mommy? How can he let her be hurt and hear her cry?

This little girl was taken from Louisianna Missouri, right next to the Missippi river. Could he have already dumped her in the river? What are his plans for her? Why did the neighbors let the dark car circle the neighborhood for hours before he took her?

Why did GOD allow this to happen? I know we have free will and he decided not to interfere, but I cant help to question this? GRRRR!!! This makes me wanna cry. I cant help but to think of Brijet and what she would do. I would die if this were my little girl or one of my neices. I can do nothing but continue to pray.

So I am hoping everyone is praying for this little girl to be brought home safe and sound.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Look Inside My OCD Head

I was driving to work last night and my brain was once again whirling like a tornado like it often does. I started to go into panic mode like normal and my breathing started to get faster and faster. My heart was beating so fast it felt like it would pop out of my chest. This is a normal thing for me. For whatever reason I have these "daymares" and I DONT like them.

I start to think about stupid things, like someone I love being in a car crash and the whole scenerio playing out in my head. I even cry like it is real. Or the whole scenerio plays out of me being raped and beaten, my heart beats really fast, I get really mad, I start breathing really fast and I can't make myself believe its not real. It really feels like it just happened before I started for work. I Have no idea why these thoughts happen and I feel that when they do I have to start praying. I have to pray that the one thing I was just thinking about wont happen to the one person that was in involved. I have to pray for all the loved ones I love and if I miss one then something will happen to them.

Sometimes I hate being in the car alone, it gives my brain time to create the tornado. I hate the tornado. It is always something. It is always horrible. It is always so REAL. Sometimes I think I get so caught up in the tornado in my head that I forget where I am. It is weird its like Im driving yet Im not really there.

ANyway there is a glimpse into my crazy whirlwind head.