Monday, June 3, 2013

Would You Say Something?

If your brother/father/uncle/cousin were involved in a sexual relationship with a minor would you say something? Would you say something to him to maybe convince him to stop? Would you say something to the girls parents? Would you say something to law enforcement? Would it matter if he were involved in law enforcement or a prominent person in public safety? Would it matter if the girl were over 16 or not? Would it matter if the girl had a history of promiscuity with men? Would you just treat the girl like it were her fault and not say a thing? Would it matter if he were married?

People think things like that just don't happen to me or in my family. No one I know or love could ever do something like that. I bet if you were to ask 5 of your friends if any of them have been sexually abused at least one (and possibly all of them) would say yes in some way or another and most would say it was a family member or someone close to the family.  Do you really know what your brother does when he leaves the house? Are you sure your uncle is simply just overly nice and just likes to "tickle" the girls that are at his house for the family gathering? Do you know what it feels like to not be worth it when a man takes advantage of you instead of just trying to help you? Are you aware of the impact sexual abuse has on a person? What about early sexual experience, how does that affect a person? How do you think these young girls learn how to be sexually active at such a young age?

Are your eyes open? Do you pay attention to the people around you, around your kids? Are you willing to put a stop to something that you see or just turn a blind eye? What if it isn't your kid? What if it's just your uncle? What if you just aren't sure? If it were your husband would you want to know?

If more people were to open their eyes and ask questions of anything semi suspicious more girls would be saved from the heartache of being taken advantage of and abused. It is painful to know that you are worth nothing but what your body can give. It is painful to know that in order for someone to help you grow and learn you have to give yourself to them. Don't let people you love feel this way.

Openly talk about sexual abuse to your children and nieces and nephews. Keep step siblings out of the same room, yes even if they are same sex because boys abuse boys also. Limit the alone time step parents have with your children. Pay attention to your child if they are all of a sudden unhappy to go near one person. Know what your teenage daughter is doing at all times!!! What men have taken a sudden interest in your daughter? Why are they interested in her? Does she spend a lot of time with him? Are his intentions good? Does grandpa want your daughter to come over and help him a lot alone? Is your daughter openly flirting with older men while she is underage? Why is this? Have you talked with her? Do you know what she does in her spare time away from you?

If you saw something suspicious would you say something?

Thursday, May 2, 2013


I was chatting with a friend the other day and somehow it got "Real". We aren't real close and in fact have never hung out outside of school and seeing each other around town, so it was a little strange that we ended up getting so real and sharing more personal events and fears. Not complaining, I was glad she was there to listen and talk with.

This got me thinking about who your friends are and if you have at least one person you can be totally "REAL" with. Can you go to the person you call "bestie" and tell them everything? Can you be completely honest and open with them telling them all the bad and good or can they only handle the good of your life?

I have a twin sister that I can be totally "REAL" with at all times. I can call her day or night and say "I'm frustrated and this is why", and she will talk me through it and help me deal. I can tell her I am frustrated with Micah not listening or the hubs isn't doing it my way or I just plain need to be on my own planet at the moment because I am DONE with people.  I can yell and scream at her and she will just listen, offer support and if needed offer solutions to whatever problem I am having. She knows she can tell me that her kids are up for sale today and know that I understand she is only frustrated with the non obedient children and they really aren't going anywhere. She knows she can come to me with hubby issues and I know she really does love him and want to be with him she is just frustrated in the moment and this time will pass. We can call each other with all the good news in the world and know that each will be happy and not jealous. We can trust each other with our kids and love spending the day together anywhere we are.

I believe I am the bestie I want to be with my sister and she is the bestie I need. Are you the bestie you want to be to your best friend? Do you have a bestie that you can go to with anything and everything? I think every girl needs a best friend.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

What's inside your bath toys?

Micah loves bath toys. Micah has a ton of bath toys. Seriously enough toys to fill up both tubs during bathtime. I never thought his bath toys could be harmful. We simply fill the tub up with water and let him play away then drain the water at the end and leave them in the tub.

We have lots of ducks, fish, boats, and other squeazable toys.

The hubby noticed that some of the toys looked a little dark in some places so he decided to cut one open.

They were filled with mold. YUCK!

We threw away some and bleached out all the rest and now we will squeaze all the water out of his toys after every bath.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Valentine Photo Shoot

I wanted to enter Micah in a cloth diaper photo shoot so Shawn and I racked our brains on how we could make a picture different from any other.


Of course why not add balloons. Daddy is amazing at making anything out of balloons, Micah loves balloons and who wouldn't love a photo with some awesome balloon flowers and hearts in it.

He smiled but not at the camera

and sat real still for a minute.

He held the heart and flowers for a few minutes

but refused to look at the camera.

He threw the flowers at me

and ran away.
He pulled the flowers off the wall

and fell over in absolute bordem.

Then he looked right at me and gave me the best SMILE!

and turned around to show his butt:)

He tried running away again

But quickly came back for some candy.


After the photo shoot he asked for mm's and layed on the floor to enjoy his win!

It was a very fun little photo shoot, I spent most of it laughing out loud at him and us. I just love the memories this little wonderful boy gives me:)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Family Day:)

I absolutely love having my family over to play and have fun with,  especially when we have no plans at all and can just relax. Today the kids played and played and played while us adults chatted and snapped pictures and awwwed over how cute they were (and we passed the baby A LOT). 

I got to snuggle a baby:) EEEKKK

The kids played in almost every room.

We watched a movie

Dax wore this shirt just for me:)

We tried really hard to get a pic of us and our babies

Dax ate a TON!!!!
We all got in on the fun.
We tried so hard to get all of us in one picture but had no one to take it:(

The kids all played well together

Dax ate some more
What a great day !

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy Birthday Nana

Today is Nana's birthday so we just had to make sure she felt special:)

You have been an AMAZING Nana from day one! You love on me like no one else.

Oh how comfy you are to take a little nap on and snuggle with,
or just sit and chill with.
I love having lunch with you
and getting all dressed up and going to parties with you.
I love playing with you
and all your fancy jewels:)

Did I mention playing dress up is so much fun when I'm with you!
Your kisses are the best
I love to take those silly things off your face

grab those shiny things off you neck

and look inside your mouth.

Opening presents is so much fun

especially when they are from you.

We sure do know how to giggle!
I love all the toys you wear.
My favorite time ever is when you share your ice cream with me:)

Playtime is awesome with you
Love that we match sometimes

and that you will sit with me while I nap.
You always share your ice with me

and give me lots of kisses.
Tada!!! My Nana and Me:)
Halloween is always a blast with you

and of course you get all the loving you want if you are offering ICE!!!
I love that you are not afraid to play in the leaves with me

and watch my favorite cartoons with me

and we can just relax by the fire.

Nana, I am so blessed to have you in my life, you give so much of yourself to me and I appreciate it so much. Looking through all our memories together shows me how much you have grown in the last year and a half.
I love you