Thursday, May 2, 2013


I was chatting with a friend the other day and somehow it got "Real". We aren't real close and in fact have never hung out outside of school and seeing each other around town, so it was a little strange that we ended up getting so real and sharing more personal events and fears. Not complaining, I was glad she was there to listen and talk with.

This got me thinking about who your friends are and if you have at least one person you can be totally "REAL" with. Can you go to the person you call "bestie" and tell them everything? Can you be completely honest and open with them telling them all the bad and good or can they only handle the good of your life?

I have a twin sister that I can be totally "REAL" with at all times. I can call her day or night and say "I'm frustrated and this is why", and she will talk me through it and help me deal. I can tell her I am frustrated with Micah not listening or the hubs isn't doing it my way or I just plain need to be on my own planet at the moment because I am DONE with people.  I can yell and scream at her and she will just listen, offer support and if needed offer solutions to whatever problem I am having. She knows she can tell me that her kids are up for sale today and know that I understand she is only frustrated with the non obedient children and they really aren't going anywhere. She knows she can come to me with hubby issues and I know she really does love him and want to be with him she is just frustrated in the moment and this time will pass. We can call each other with all the good news in the world and know that each will be happy and not jealous. We can trust each other with our kids and love spending the day together anywhere we are.

I believe I am the bestie I want to be with my sister and she is the bestie I need. Are you the bestie you want to be to your best friend? Do you have a bestie that you can go to with anything and everything? I think every girl needs a best friend.