Saturday, August 20, 2011

I am so in LOVE!

I never thought I could love someone so much. Micah brings a smile to my face everyday.

Those big blue eyes looking at me when he eats.

The smile I get when he notices me.

Love the giggle he has when he thinks I am funny.

The way he kicks up his feet and gets all excited in the morning when I reach down to pick him up.

The snuggling I get so much of since he is still so young.

I thought I knew what love was when my twin sister had her babies and I got to love on them all day long but now I truly know what she felt with each of her babies. I thought I could never love someone as much as I love Chaz, Brijet and Ainzley.

Micah brings a smile to my face everyday. I love seeing him, I love changing him, I love bathing him. I love feeding him. I love everything about this kid.

I most love seeing Micah get loved on by my first true loves: Chaz Brijet and Ainzley.

Daddy Love

Today was all about daddy. We played with daddy on the couch, he is so silly.

Then daddy had some computer stuff to do so I entertained him a little.

Daddy's nose sqeaks when you touch it, that is soooo funny:)

I really love my daddy!
After bath mommy let me hang out in my diaper. I love being naked:)
I hung out with daddy watching tv and snuggling until mommy said it was bedtime.

Friday, August 19, 2011


 Micah just loves to watch disney junior on the computer. He yells at the computer and giggles while watching.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Micah's first balloon:)

Micah was hanging out with daddy in the office where daddy keeps all his balloons so he decided to make him his first balloon.

Daddy sat right in front of him and blew the balloon up and started twisting and tying and turning it into something.

Micah watched in amazement and wonder. He was very interested in what daddy was playing with.

Daddy made the new doggie kiss Micah and then he let him hold the puppy and play with with him.

Since daddy will be precticing a lot and making balloons for shows all the time I think it's good Micah is okay with them around him. Now we will have to teach him at a very young age to not put them in his mouth.

Don't worry daddy is a prefessional clown and a paramedic so he is very careful with his balloons.!/pages/Sunny-T-Clown/134294966658520?sk=wall


Micah has been drooling a ton lately and gnawing on his hands like crazy and boy can this kid get grumpy.

I believe he is teething. I know it usually starts later but he is showing all the signs of teething. So I found some teething tablets and got some tylonal just in case. Then I went shopping and found some teethers.

Do you think I have enough?

What's on my feet?

I took off Micah's socks and put the animal rattles on his feet and I swear he looked at his feet for at least half an hour while we were in the car driving.

He just kept looking like "what in the world in on my feet and why do my feet make noise when I move them". I was laughing so hard I could hardly tell Shawn what he was doing.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Happy 3 months Micah Cree:)

3 months ago I was in the hospital trying to get you to come out and finally meet me (a week after your due date). In the end you decided it was all too stressful and you made the doctors come in after you. It was a stressful couple of days in the hospital trying to get you to eat my milkies and keep your weight up but we went home a happy little family.

Daddy drove in the right lane only because you were on the right side and he decided less than the speed limit was good enough. We got you home and picked you up out of your carseat and wondered what we should do with you next. For the rest of the night and most of the following week we layed you on the boppy and stared at you for hours. We just couldn't believe after 9 months you were finally here in our arms.

You were so tiny and needed so much of mommy and daddy. All we did was snuggle you and look at you. It took a while, but we got on a semi schedule and daddy went back to work and you just got bigger and stayed awake longer.

Now you are a chubmister. You have gained so much weight (which is no shock since you still eat like a newborn) and you grow an inch a day (okay maybe not a whole inch). Your face is fuller and your thighs are chunky and you smile so much now. Mommy loves to hear your giggle (which you do when you realize mommy is cleaning up your stinky).

I cannot believe you are so big and growing so fast. I love you so much and as much as I want you to stay small and my baby forever I am also looking forward to seeing you crawl, talk, walk and eat big boy food.

I love you!