Saturday, November 19, 2011

Elimination Diet Day Eight

Well I ate a few white chocolate chips today (hey at least I stopped at a few) and I am seriously contemplating making some coffee tonight. I figure what the heck I still have the headache, but it is not near as bad as it was Sunday. Maybe I just still need to let everything get out of my system or maybe the headaches are from something else. For now just a little slip today.

Elimination Diet Day Seven

I had a small headache most of the day but it never got real bad. The hubby made coffee and it made me want some really bad, I don't know how much longer I can stay away from the yummy stuff (especially since I still have a headache).

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Elimination Diet Day Six

I really did not have a headache for the first part of the day, but around 3 it hit me and hasn't left yet. I am so tired of these stupid headaches and wish they would just go away. I am not eating any of the food on the list and feel like 6 days is plenty to get them all out of my system.

O well maybe next week will go better. I will continue the diet and see where it leads me. Once I figure out the whole headache thing I am eating chocolate!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Elimination Diet Day Five

I have been really good on not eating the foods I should not be eating. I have to say that I am proud of myself. I crave coffee more than I crave dr. pepper, which I think is weird.

Today hasn't been too bad. I woke up with a headache, but that may be because I didn't get much sleep last night and the boy woke up at 4am. Thank GOD daddy took him around 530 and rocked him back to sleep before he left for work or else I don't know how we would have functioned all day.

I have had a slight headache all day, it hasn't gotten too bad. I don't even think I had to take my tylonol today:) Hopefully I will wake up with no headache tomorrow and not have another one again.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Elimination Diet Day Four

Today the headache was very small, it only intensified a few times and went right back to just a dull ache. I did really well not eating any of the food, but I still want my pretzles. O and I found this huge orea ice cream/cake thing that made my mouth water, but I will not be eating that for a while (Micah doesn't like dairy too well).

I do have a bit of a headache right now and I hope it will be completely gone by the time I go to bed tonight, I might be up with the baby all night since he went to bed at 645 tonight and is now wide awake:(  So pray for me.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Elimination Diet Day Three

Did you know there are oranges in orange/pineapple juice? Who woulda thought.

Really I put orange/pineapple juice in my smoothie yesterday and started drinking a glass today when I realized I was drinking something on my "To not to" list. LOL

Today I struggled with a really bad headache all day, but luckily I have a loving hubby and he snuggled with a sleeping baby while I took a small nap next to them. Right now the headache is slowing going away and I pray it stays away, tomorrow I will not be drinking that juice.

I did manage to stay away from all the rest of the foods. I still want my pretzles and coffee seems to be a want right now.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Elimination Diet Day Two

I want to eat the white chocolate covered pretzels that were delivered by the boy scouts yesterday but I am staying strong. No chocolate, why did they have to come on the day I started this?

Today has been ok. I have not eaten anything from the list and didn't care that Shawn drank a dr. pepper at lunch. O I should say I took a drink of a smoothie that was made with banana.

I woke up with a headache. I had a headache all night long, getting up with little man was hard. The headache got worse and better throughout the day and tylonol didn't even begin to touch the pain. Thank GOD my hunny loves me, he let me take a short nap to try and relieve some of the pain.

Hopefully the headache is gone by tomorrow and I can just drool over all the yummy food I wanna eat.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Elimination Diet Day One

I have had a constant headache since Oct. 19th and it is driving me crazy so I have decided to do a little elimination diet to see if I can find the cause of these darn things. I figured if I started on Micah's half birthday I could remember the date a little better and stick to it. I plan to do it for at least 2 weeks and reevaluate to see if I should try it for longer. I will eventually start to add everything back in one at a time and see which one causes the headaches.

My foods that will be out of my diet are:
Red Wine ( I don't drink wine at all so no big deal)
Chocolate ( I LOVE CHOCOLATE )
MSG Products
Caffiene (Dr Pepper was my daily treat)
Aspartame (anything sugar free, I hate sugar free stuff anyway)
Cheese (Processed)
Sour Cream (So much for mexican food )
Processed Meats
Nuts (Not sure if this should include peanut butter)
Bananas and Oranges

Today went ok, I didn't have a problem not eating any of that even when I made myself a ham and no cheese sandwich. I do however have a HUGE headache and I really hate to see how the rest of my days will go. I thought the caffiene was helping the headaches before so we will see.


My little man is 6 months old today:) He is growing so fast and learning new things everyday. I just love his little face.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Back in October we dedicated our son to the LORD! There was a small service with other babies held at our church and it was very nice, even though my sister and mother were late:(
Micah had no clue what was going on but he loved playing with family, especially his cousins. His little suit was adorable and he didn't seem to mind wearing it.

Today, 11.10.11, is our 2 year wedding anniversary. I am so happy we have made it this far and pray everyday we have so many more years to celebrate. Micah loves having mommy and daddy home with him and i enjoy it as well. I love seeing how our life has grown and changed through the years, including all the dating years. We are encouraged through GOD to be great parents and amazing spouses.

I love my little family:)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Micah's first Halloween:)

 Daddy had to make sure we got a picture of his tail.
 Micah was a dinosaur. He enjoyed all the attention from being so cute dressed up.
 Mama might have been a little too happy for his first TOT!
 He looked so cute in his little costume
I just love his binky, now that he will finally take one (on his terms only)