Thursday, June 16, 2011

I hold him tighter

I have been reading these blogs about mammas that lost their little ones to SIDS and cancer and other uncontrollable things. I cry and cry for these poor mammas. I want so bad to go and give them hugs and hold them tight or bring their babies back. Its not fair or right to bury your child ever.

Usually Micah wants me to snuggle him all day and when I put him down he cries for me to pick him up again. Sometimes I think I just want to get up and clean or cook or organize and then I remember how some moms have lost their little ones and they wish and pray they could just go back to snugglin their littls ones again. SO I sit on the couch and find something interesting on tv and I snuggle Micah. I snuggle him for hours sometimes. One day he might not be here for me to snuggle and what will I have? No memories and a clean organized house.

So for those of you that have a little one, snuggle them. Snuggle them and let the dishes sit there. Snuggle them and let the laundry pile up. Snuggle them and munch on something small instead of trying to cook a big meal. I always manage to get everything done in time, the dishes and laundry might sit for a few days and the carpets might really need a vacuum but my baby is snuggled to his hearts content and mamma get those precious memories and feelings.

I wish I could help those moms that have lost a child. I wish I could bring back their babies. I wish I could explain why babies go to Heaven so early. I wish I could explain how GOD plays a role in all of this, but I can't . All I can do is read their heartfelt blogs and try to figure out how much pain they really are in. I can learn to snuggle Micah and let my OCD go.

I have realized, just in the last few months, that sometimes good things come out of bad things. Those moms have experienced the worst possible thing in the world and yet they continue to go on and let the world know about their babies. I pray for those moms and I learn from them.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Micah is growing

Micah is a little over a month now and Im enjoying watching him grow. I can feel him getting bigger and you can see his face getting fuller. We spend most days inside snuggling and hanging out but today daddy went for a walk with us and we had fun. He laid there and just enjoyed riding in his stroller.

I enjoy watching my little man snuggle with his daddy and I enjoy his daddy wanting to snuggle. I think it is great that Shawn will come home from work and take him to hang out with him so I can sleep.

Micah is starting to hold his head up and look at me. I love watching him grow and do more things but it is a reminder that he will grow fast and be going off to college.

Pictures are coming up and Im excited to see what we can do. I do not have many pictures printed since we live in the digital age now. I hope to print some of these from our photo shoot Tuesday .

Its about bedtime and mama is hoping to get more than an hour of sleep tonight.