Tuesday, July 1, 2014

One Month Trial

No gluten {wheat, barley or rye}
No dairy
No nuts
No red grapes
No milk chocolate

I have been having some GI problems and headaches so after a few doctor visits, a colonoscopy and some chiropractic care we have come to the conclusion that I should eliminate some foods to try and help the problem. I do not like taking medication, not even birth control. I just think there are better ways to deal with problems then mask the problem with medication.

Today is day one and it is only morning. Looking through my cabinets and fridge makes me realize I was not quite ready for this adventure and coming up with breakfast was not fun.  I ended up chooses fried eggs with no bread, gosh I missed the bread {honestly I haven't had bread in like three weeks so I think I am really starting to miss it}. I am glad I am trying this over the summer to hopefully have some ideas of what I should keep out of my diet once school starts. And maybe I can come up with some great quick breakfast and lunch ideas for school.

I am hoping to keep a journal of all the food i eat over the month and how I react. I am hoping I won't have a headache at all this month:)

Monday, May 19, 2014

I wrote this after my father stood there and let my step mother yell at me and tell me awful things like she wished i would have died as a child or never been born so she wouldn't have to share my father, as I ran out of the house crying like a baby he runs after me and says sorry under his breath so that she wouldn't hear him. It sucks when a parent does not stand up for their children and let the step parents treat them any way they want.

I'm so tired of apologies on the side

She says what she wants and does what she will

And as I'm hurt walking away

You come and give me an apology on the side

Shes just in a bad mood you say

Her meds are changing and the mood is swinging

And your sorry she acts that way

You don't stand up and tell her calm down

You stand there and take it

And let her treat me to her liking

And all I get is an apology on the side

It's not fair for me to fight

For the father I desperately need

It's not fair that you don't care

And all you care to do is give

An apology on the side

Saturday, April 12, 2014


Wow!! It has been forever since i wrote here.

Micah is getting so big!!!  He is talking a ton more, trying to use the potty, and so energetic and playful. Micah will be three in one month! THREE!!  I cannot believe it, he is growing up so fast.

This past week we got to spend the day with his favorite cousins and he had a blast!!

oh how fun it is to play with the cousins and enjoy the nice weather