Saturday, March 19, 2011

Thinking of Delivery Day

Do I sound mean when I say I don't want a lot of people in my room when I am in labor. I want my husband and my sister and if my mom wants to stop by I can handle that. But everyone else will just have to wait until he is out and they can actually see him.

I am watching "One Born Every Minute" and these ladies have all these people in their rooms aggrevating them while they are dealing with labor pains. And let me just say right now , while I am pushing noone will be allowed in. I don't wanna broadcast my privates to everyone.

I want my sister and my husband to see Micah come out, but I also want them to just let me go through labor. These people on this show are annoying the way they are asking every minute if they can do anything. Seriously when you are in that much pain you really just wanna be left alone so you can get through the contractions.

I just really hope people understand I will not be in the mood to have people filling up my room to wait out the delivery. But I will enjoy family and friends coming to the house after we are all settled into a routine, maybe give us a week home alone, to hold him and see him.

Oh and I should mention they should understand my OCD and the handwashing will happen a lot and if you are sick well no touching baby sorry. And yes we are breastfeeding and no I will not be using a bottle right away, so no you cant feed him. And yes I really wanna cloth diaper and no you cant just put a disposable on him because it will be easier for you.

Wow I think I am turning into one of those moms that everyone hates, but I dont care. This could be our only child and my only chance to have my birth and my child my way, so we are doing it our way.

Friday, March 18, 2011



I have only 7 weeks left to get everything done. I am so nervous and scared that nothing else will get done. I don't even have a carseat yet. YIKES!

I wanna meet my little guy and hold and cuddle him but at the same time I don't wanna stop feeling him move around in my tummy.

We still need lots of cloth diapers, I don't have near enough to start with. I need a dirty diaper bag and a pack and play and a carseat and bedding and ....... I still haven't organized his closet or hung up his clothes, I can barely walk into his closet. And his room is a mess. The carpets need cleaned and there is stuff everywhere.


I know we have plenty and things will get done. I know I can relaxa and let things happen, but at the same time I'm freaking out.

IM FREAKING OUT!!! Seriously people.

7 WEEKS LEFT!!! Thats it!!! 7 WEEKS !!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Love This Quote

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” ~Mahatma Ghandi

Ready To Be A Momma!!

I have 9 weeks to go. Just 9 weeks and I am so excited. I cannot wait to hold my little man and kiss him and hug him. I have his crib set up and some clothes washed, I am waiting to get all the clothes washed so I can seperate them all and hang them up. I want to put all the bigger clothes to the back of the closet so that I will know what is good to wear at what stage. I am thinking I will have a big baby.

I want to get the closet organized and get the dresser fixed up and ready to go. I am getting anxious to get all of this done so that all will be ready when he gets here. I cant believe I have to wait until the beginning of April to have my baby shower. I know you are supposed to wait but I want everything done and ready. I guess all new mommies go through this. If I had a toddler to chase around I wouldnt even have time to pay attention to all the needed to be done.

I am excited to see my neices interact with Micah. I cant wait to see Chaz hold Micah. I just want him here . But I know we must wait to meet him so that he will be totall healthy.