Friday, February 27, 2009

Stop feeding the homeless booze!!!

I am pretty sure most people know this but I feel the need to say it so that maybe the few that don't can figure it out... When you give money to a homeless guy on the street he takes that money and buys the biggest cheapest vodka he can get. Liquer stores do not care about how intoxicated the person is or how much they need to buy food, they look at getting money from the poor guy.

If you really feel bad for the guy sitting on the corner near the plaza then give him the sandwich form your lunchbox or maybe a duffle bag to carry all his stuff around in or give him a coat to stay warm with. I really think we need to step up and do something about these guys. As an emt, I scrape these men off the streets at ten in the morning, yes that early in the morning and they are already so trashed they cannot walk straight. The regulars usually end up burning bridges at most hospitals and with most people that must deal with them. These men are human, they are GOD's children too. We should not have to see them this way.

There are so many mission centers and places for people to stay, many places have drop off sites so you can leave clothes and whatever else. I feel like the more money we give to these people the more harm they are doing to themselves. The more harm they do to themselves the more tax money we pay to take care of them.

Think about it, someone gives them just enough money to buy a pint and a six pack of beer. They might get some more money and score another pint or more and well that much alcohol in a day can harm your liver. They become so slobbering drunk that they fall down and pass out thus creating the need for an ambulance ride to the hospital. A day and maybe even a night in a hospital and then they can go to start all over again. Not only are we as a country paying for this guy to buy the alcohol we are also paying for him to ride to the hospital and spend the night. And maybe months down the road or even years we get to pay for him to be hospitalized for liver failure.

I am not saying shoo the homeless away, just be catious of what you are giving them. These guys need coats and blankets for the winter, maybe long sleeve shirts and sweatshirts. They need backpacks or duffle bags to carry their stuff in. They need actual food, not money to buy food, but food to eat. Make them a small brown bag lunch and drop it off on the usual corner you see them at. Give them a bottle of water, dehydration is not so good either. Point them in the direction of free meals and places to stay maybe even small time jobs (althought most are homeless by choice and refuse to work).

After you look at all the wrong reasons to give a homeless guy money there are so many more reasons. Some are on numerous meds for various reasons and alcohol makes it worse, even if they don't take the meds. Just having a certain disorder can be seriously life threatening when you add booze.

So the next time you see someone standing on a corner begging for whatever, really think about what you are going to give him to help him out. Find out where they stay and bring them a sack full of food, or maybe a nice dinner a month instead of throwing money at them.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Well I managed to talk to my hunny and all is well, after some very hard discussions. Luckily we made it through and the wedding is still on and he recognizes my need for space and I am learning to help him with his trust issues. I guess once you have been hurt those little thoughts never quite leave the back of your mind.

We have settled on Jamaica for a wedding and honeymoon. I am so very excited, we are leaving KC on Nov 7th, getting married on Nov 10th and returning to KC on Nov 16th. I cannot wait, and already I am making a list of what to bring in my head.

Now to settle on the reception... !!!UGH!!! I am pretty sure we are having to reception in OP KS or something like that and I think it will be the last weekend in November. We are still not sure on what we are going to serve, wether or not we will have a dj or jsut play some cds. I don't know if we will make invites or buy them, I don't even know who all will be invited. I am not even sure what time we will have it or exactly what day.
What I do know is...
We will roast a pig and most likely serve foods that will go with pig-YUCK!
We will do the dollar dance and father daughter dance YAY!
I hope to have a white chocolate fondue dip thing, not even sure where to go for that.
We will play our wedding during the reception for all to see, and hopefully we will get to show off more pix from our whole trip.

We do know that we will move into his house for a few short months and then rent or buy a place, hopefully his mom gives us that bigger bed (a twin is too small). Um!!! Well Im sure there is much more to think about, he will just add me to his insurance for cars and health. And I think we will continue to go to his church for now, ..... So much to think about and plan.....

I am so ready to get to Jamaica and be married already, but I am not ready to leave my sissies house. I love living there and I love seeing the kids all the time. I am very afraid he will limit my time with the kids to a small amount. I want to see them grow daily, I don't wanna be a monthly visitor I wanna be a daily or weekly visitor. I want them to come over for sleep overs, and movie nights.

Anyhow that is my update. O Im sure I could ramble on for even longer but I must get some sleep tonight...

PS any good marriage advice is accepted graciously
The number one key I keep hearing is communication and the ones that arent afraid of affending me tell me to keep GOD as number one and your marriage is sure to have a head start!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Kate says it so well...

Yes I am totally and utterly in love with Jon and Kate plus 8. The children are amazingly beautiful and well behaved for the most part. Jon and Kate love each other to the moon and back again and still they argue and fight over dumb stuff. I love watching the episodes and I love watching them grow as a family. They are truly in it until end and nothing and noone will stop them. I love that they realize that they are not perfect and they just try, try, try. I hope to one day try that hard in my marriage (I think I am spelling that wrong).

ANyway I just finished reading her book (thank you hunny) and I found some really cool scripture to live by. It seems to work for her so why not apply it to my life...

Philippians 4:19
And my GOD will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus

Lamentations 3:22-23
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning

Isiah 40:31
those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint

I loved the six lessons she learned from GOD...
GOD is in control
GOD is gracious and strong
GOD can be trusted
GOD is love
GOD will provide
Give GOD the glory and praise

WOW!!! THis reminds me to open my bible more often and really read the word and soak it up. I need to apply more of HIM to my life, no I need to hand over my all to HIM. I, once again, will try way harder to just give it all to HIM and live through HIM.

Maybe I am rambling sorry. I just feel that those times I just relax and give my struggles to HIM, to GOD, I am so thankful and it makes it so much better.

SO here I am GOD. My life is in your hands and I am just your child obeying your commands. My relationship with SHawn is up to you, where we go with it is in your hands (I really like him LORD). My financial situation is at your door, tell me where to turn with my money and I shall obey. My work stresses are at your feet, please teach me to be whatever you have planned for me to be and I shall follow. My family is in your hands, teach me to preach the gospel to them without offending them (I do wish for my whole family to be saved). My friends, the ones I shall make and the ones I have, are at your fate; you choose who shall stay and who shall leave, who shall come into my life and who won't. My health is also in your hands, what you say goes with how I spend my days on this earth.